Monday, October 25, 2010

Sentences Book I & II

Book I
The Flood- There's no rainbow at the end of this particular flood.

Deucalion & Pyrrha- A rather loose interpretation of what the oracle said, but they clearly got the gist of it and managed to create the human race (2nd strain).

Python- Snakes always get a bad matter what.

Syrinx- Always copying Diana, she needed her own identity anyway.

Io & Jove- A happy novel.

Book II
Phaethon- I don't really understand how "In his fall he gained the death of one supremely brave"-apparently bravery is closely related to sheer stupidity and blatant obstinance.

The Raven- They look bad when they are "the opposite of black" anyway.

Arcas- Rape is always cool to Jove, matricide not so much.

Battus- Never trust someone who refers to themselves in the third person.

Mercury, Herse, Aglauros- We revel in others' sadness and despair in their happiness, thanks bitch.

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