Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final Post-the end is here

I already told you what I have learned, so i guess this post is a bit redundant. The world ends every day. It is most definitely ending today because I am done with this class. I do not know how I feel about that...a mixture of sadness and relief. As much as I love the intellectual prowess of the instructor and many of the classmates, I can't help but feel a bit below them in intellectualism (huh its a word, I actually thought I might be making it up). I feel like I have learned more in this class than any other, however, because I have learned about my surroundings.

Sure, knowing how to calculate integrals in calculus makes a person feel smart and being able to construct a behavior modification plan is quite useful, but Mythologies is the class that will stick with me. As I observe the world around me, I realize everthing's connection to the all-encompassing breadth of Mythology. My religion, my morals, my birth, my departure from home, my inevitable return to home, etc.-I would never have realized the mythological significance of all of this had it not been for Dr. Sexson's insistance that everything is mythological. This significance has made me realize that he is inexorably correct (not that I ever doubted him), and I feel privleged for being able to take a class from such an inspirational instructor.

Sorry for the gushing, but this class really is remarkable, and I am sure the vast majority of students who take it from Dr. Sexson have and will say the same thing. Thanks for the great semester everyone!

And now we begin....

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